About me

I am Krystian and I am 28 years old from London!

My story

I have begun my journey with web development on my BCs Computing Technologies course. In the beginning, I learned my programming skills with Visual Studio, then in the first year of I learned about HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create the Gaia website. As a part of my dissertation project, I did a web application which purpose was to create and maintain IT assets within the school system. I found coding very fascinating and I am always looking for a challenge to future expand my knowledge.

Current knowledge and experience

What programming language I know?

I was programming mainly using a bit of Java, JavaScript, PHP, HTML, and MySQL. With this website, I improved my programming skills with jQuery, Ajax requests, nodeJS and express framework, and MongoDB.

What I made?

During my course I made in total 3 websites: First of them was basic HTML and CSS for advertising the Gaia website; the Second website was dedicated to creating Gym app, where a registered member could book and manage gym classes; Lastly, as a part of my dissertation project I created audit application which purpose was to track and manage audited items withing organization permisses (add, manage, remove functionality). Finally, this portfolio is my latest addition to the created websites.